Best Exercise to Burn Fat - The Truth About Fat Burning Exercises
If you are looking for the best exercise to burn fat, it is important that you first understand why the best exercises for fat loss work the way that they do.
For most people, the best exercise to burn fat consists of getting on a cardio machine for a long time. Or, they may try to do lots of butt exercises or abdominal crunches.
This article will show which types of exercises are the best for burning fat. Once you understand some basic principles, you will be able to pick out which type of exercise is the best to burn fat.
BEST EXERCISE TO BURN FAT PRINCIPLE #1: Use multijoint exercises
Mulitjoint exercises are great for burning fat. What I mean by that is any exercises where you are using more than one joint for the whole range of motion.
Here are some multijoint exercises that are great for burning fat:
Seated row
DB bench press
Lat pulldown
Hamstring leg curl on a stability ball
Do you know why multijoint exercises are the best for burning fat? The reason is that the more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn. The best exercise to burn fat is an exercise that uses a lot of muscle, just like all the exercises listed above.
The more muscle you use, the more lean muscle mass you will add to your body, and the higher your metabolism will be. Having a high metabolism is one of the main keys of fat loss. If you have a high metabolism, your body will burn lots of calories while at rest and while being active.
Circuit training basically consists of doing one exercise, resting briefly, then doing another, and so on.
This is great for fat loss because is gets your heart rate up and burns a lot of calories. You could take the exercises listed above and do 12 reps of each one for 2 rotations with 30 seconds of rest. This would feel like a tough workout because you are doing a killer combination: working lots of muscle and not giving yourself lots of time to rest.
A lot of people think that 15 reps is the best way to burn fat with exercise. The truth is, most people who I see doing 15 reps can probably do at least 10 more when the set is done. If you are not working yourself very hard, you will not adequately add muscle mass. Doing 12 reps that are difficult is a great way to burn fat with exercise because it will force your body to adapt. Your body adapts to this type of weight training by adding more muscle! Then, your metabolism goes up and you burn more calories.
See how this works?
In conclusion, the best exercise to burn fat consists of doing multijoint exercises in a circuit training format. This helps you burn lots of calories as you get your muscles a great workout.
For most information about getting a great workout to burn fat like the one described in this article, check out the links below.
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